At a minimum, you must create a warehouse, even if you only have one storage location.
Welcome to the Dolibarr Module’s Documentation!
This module implement Splash Sync connector for Dolibarr ERP. It provide access to multiples Objects for automated synchonization though Splash Sync dedicated protocol.
This module is part of SplashSync project.
For more informations about Splash Sync, the way it works and how you can use it to connect your applications, please refer our online documentation.
Any Pull requests are welcome!
This module is part of SplashSync project.
Dolibarr is one of the major Open-Source ERP project you could find on the web. It’s now working for more than 10 years and its very simple approach make it suitable for small and medium business.
This module will give Splash access to Third Party, Products, Customer Orders & Invoice.
This module was designed to transform Dolibarr into the heart of your business organization. By importing and synchronizing all your sales informations, you can access all you sales in a single place, whatever the sales channels.
Centralize your products stocks from Dolibarr to any kind of applications.
Once all your modules connected, use the Object Linked to identify and merge all your customers profiles into a single Splash entity. This way, all similar informations will be shared and synchronized anywhere, from CRM to E-Commerce.
Orders and invoices will be automatically imported from your E-Commerce, point-of-sale, or any other applications you may connect!
Your financial analytics is easier… and with no efforts.
Splash has many features dedicated to the management of the product catlogue.
The management of stocks and sale prices are very sensitive points. Take the time to fully understand what the different parameters are for in order to configure them correctly.
In order to properly manage your inventory, you must tell Splash which warehouse to use for inventory corrections.
At a minimum, you must create a warehouse, even if you only have one storage location.
When creating products, Splash can configure them so that they are associated with the warehouse of your choice.
If you are using Dolibarr’s multi-price feature, you must tell Splash which price level to use as the default price.
The other price levels will also be accessible, but in additional fields that you will need to manually connect from your Splash account.
This function requires activation of the “Expert” mode
If you work with several Warehouses, this mode will allow you to independently access the stocks of each warehouse.
A field will be created for each warehouse, it will then have to be configured on your Splash account.
It is now possible to manage the stocks of your E-Commerce sites and your points of sale separately.
The actual stock of your products, generic fields and automatically connected, will now be read only. You can read it, but not modify it.
Since v1.4 of Splash Module for Dolibarr, a dedicated configuration block group all Orders & Invoice imports parameters.
When importing orders & Invoices lines, Splash Module is now able to identify line’s tax rate using a shared Tax Code.
This feature is usefull for countries that have multiple or complex VAT rates (i.e. Canada).
How to configure it ?
First, you need to create define, on each servers, the same Codes for VAT Rates. For Dolibarr, this setup is available in Settings » Dictionary » VAT Rates or Sales Tax Rates
With Dolibarr, VAT Rate name is “Code”, this value is empty by default. Generaly, you can use codes used by your E-Commerce.
How it works ?
If you have a look at the data that are now available for Orders & Invoices objects, you will see a new field called “VAT Rate”.
When Splash import an Order or an Invoice, if the given code if found on your Dolibarr Dictionnary, Splash will setup this VAT Rate for creating this product line.
Up to now, only part of our modules are compatible with this feature.
To use this feature, you must ensure VAT Rates Codes are strictly similar on all connected applications.
Why ?
Most parts of moderns E-Commerce platforms now offer to customers the possibility to place an order without creating any customer account. On the ERP side, it is not possible to create an Order (or Invoice) without pointing to a customer. To solve this problem, we developped a specific feature.
What is does ?
When you enable Import of Guests Orders & Invoices, Splash will remove the requiered flag for customers link. This way, Splash Server will push all new Orders & Invoices to Dolibarr. Whatever if they have a customer defined or not.
In this mode, any Order (or Invoice) that has no customer defined will be attached to a predefined default customer.
To Use this Mode, just enable the feature and select the default customer to use. We highly recommand creation of a dedicated customer.
Email detection
This additionnal feature may be used to detect already known customers using their Email if provided by the Server. If the give Email belong to an existing ThirdParty, the order will be attached to this customer and not to default customer.
Since v1.4 of Splash Module for Dolibarr, it is possible to select, for each active Payment Method, the bank account you want to use.
Default Payment Method
When an Invoice payment is imported, if no valid payment method is requested, Splash will use this default payment method for Invoice payment creation.
Default Bank Account
When an Invoice payment is imported, if no specific Bank Account is given, Splash will use this default value.
Bank Account per Method
For each active payyment method, select target Bank Account to use.